Educational Technology E-Platforms for The Classroom Compilation Book
Berat: 610gr
ISBN: Sedang proses
Penulis: Caroline V. Katemba, M.A. TESL., Ph.D.
Penyunting: Joshua H.L. Tobing, Ph.D
Penerbit: Universitas Advent Indonesia
Genre: –
Kertas: Bookpaper 75gr
Ukuran: B5 (17.6cm x 25cm)
Jumlah halaman: 278 halaman
Tahun Terbit: Desember 2022
Technology has ingrained itself deeply into our daily lives. In our daily activities, we employ a variety of devices and technologies. Technology is obviously the present and the future. Technology is also claiming ground in the field of education. Today’s students take intelligent classes. Technology and education working together is a first step toward a transformation in how teaching and learning are done.
Teachers, Lecturers are using technology to aid their teaching and learning in the classrooms. As Katemba (2021) stated that” We cannot escape technology in this era of globalization and the 4.0 industrial revolution because it has permeated our lives and the educational system”. Further, learning through technology has gained increasing popularity in the process of teaching and learning EFL over the past decade (Katemba & Sinuhaji, 2021).
72 educational technology E-Platforms that could be employed in language instruction classes are collected in this book. The author has used these straightforward and engaging e-platforms to instruct English in classroom settings. They were so well-liked by the students. The author then provided all 72 of these e-platforms for teaching and learning for language classes as well as other classes that might be utilized.
Katemba, C. V. (2021). Enhancing Vocabulary Performance Through Mobile Assisted Language Learning at a Rural School in Indonesia. Acuity: Journal of English Language Pedagogy, Literature and Culture, 6(1), 1-11.
Katemba, C., & Sinuhaji, G. (2021). Can ESA Method Through Quizizz Games Enhance Vocabulary Knowledge? International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL), Vol. 11 no. 3. DOI: 10.4018/IJGBL.2021070102