English Assessment
Berat: 610gr
ISBN: Sedang proses
Penulis: Marlin S. Marpaung, S.Pd., M.Ed., Intan Angelia, S.Pd., Beatrix Angelica, S.Pd., Hana E. Manullang, S.Pd
Penyunting: Hardi Jhon P. Situmeang, SE., M.Ak
Penerbit: Universitas Advent Indonesia
Kertas: Bookpaper 80gr
Ukuran: 21cm x 29,7cm
Jumlah halaman: 228 halaman
Tahun Terbit: Juli 2023
The Assessment for Kindergarten is designed for main or supplementary reinforcement to help teachers in conducting the teaching and learning process. This book contains of bank test for young learners with age range 4-8 years old. This book provides tests for English teachers to use in order to improve students’ ability in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and vocabulary. The purpose of this book is to help teachers create English tests that are appropriate for each student’s level so that students’ English skills can be measured. We sincerely hope that this book will assist English teachers in improving the quality of English exams.