Caroline Victorine Katemba, Ph.D.
Email :;
- BUSINESS – Universitas Klabat Manado – Indonesia (1983 – 1984)
- B.S. BIOLOGY – Adventist University of the Philippines (1984 – 1987)
- GRADUATE STUDIES, ENGLISH – Adventist University of the Philippines (1988 – 1987)
- Graduated with the degree: Master of
Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language – University of the Philippines (1988 – 1989) - Graduated with the degree: Doctor of Philosophy, Language Education – University of the Philippines Diliman Campus (2000 – 2004)
- SMA Advent Klabat Manado – Indonesia (1980 – 1983)
- SMP Advent Tikala Manado – Indonesia (1978 – 1980)
- English for nurses. Caroline V. Katemba, Jonathan H.L. Tobing ; editor, Joshua H.L. Tobing. Universitas Advent Indonesia ISBN 978-602-61733-4-8
- A handbook for in-service teacher : teaching practice program. Caroline V Katemba ; editor, Joshua H.L. Tobing, Universitas Advent Indonesia. ISBN 978-602-61733-3-1
- Speak Out in 5 Minutes, ISBN : 978-602-18474-5-9
- Pedoman Penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Skripsi dan Tesis.
- “Wanita Ciptaan Ajaib: Beberapa Gangguan Sistem Tubuh dan
Perawatannya”. Indonesian Publishing House, Bandung-Indonesia. ISBN
979-504-061-8 (Translator) - “Speak Out”. Text Book for Communicative Practice Materials for PostElementary Students of English. 2009. Caroline V Katemba Tobing,PhD. HUP ISBN 979-778-103-8, Cetakan ke dua 2010.
- Business English fro EFL Students, Caroline V Katemba Tobing, PhD.ISBN 978-602-18474-1-1. Universitas Advent Indonesia 2012.
- Top 50 journal Reviewer from Taylor & Francis, year 2020. Jurnal terindex scopus (Q1) & WoS.
- National Research Reviewer, Ministry of Research, Technology & Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia Schema PDUPT tahun 2020. Kementrian Riset dan Teknologi/Badan Inovasi Riset Nasional (Kemenristek/BRIN). . Nomor: B/1136/E3/RA.00/2020 Tanggal: 12 Nopember 2020
- Top 20 journal Reviewer from Taylor & Francis, year 2018 & 2019. Jurnal terindex scopus (Q1) & WoS.
- Reviewer for the program Researcher Indonesian Lecturer National Research Reviewer, Ministry of Research, Technology & Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia “ Seminar Hasil Penelitian Dosen Pemula” LLDIKTI IV, tahun 2019. Nomor: : /L4/KP.10.01/2019
- National Research Reviewer, Ministry of Research, Technology & Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia ‘Keluaran Penelitian pada Kegiatan Monev Online Penelitian Dosen Pemula di Lingkungan Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah IV Tahun 2019’. No: : 122/L4/KP.10.01/2019
- Juri/ Reviewer pada Pameran Inoovasi Perguruan Tinggi di LLDIKTI IV, Jatinangor, 2019
- Reviewer in selecting the research proposal of the Indonesian Junior Tertiary Lecturer (penilaian pada seleksi proposal hasil penelitian dosen pemula) LLDIKTI IV, tahun 2019, Sk No: 566/LL4/PB/2019
- Awards from RIESTEKDIKTI in writing an article in the reputable international journal, 2019.
- Scholarship grant from GLoCALL Conference, SuZhou 2018
- Scholarship from BSLN RISTEKDIKTI presenterin the International academic conferences to Singapore, Shanghai, Vladivostok- Russia,Thailand, 2012,2014,2016,2018.
- Front Line worker from South East Asia Division, representing 5000 employees in the Southeast Asia for 5 years going to the USA (Maryland) 2005-2010
- Executive Board member of Loma Linda University & Andrews Univeristy, in USA, 2005-2010.
- Visiting Professor for the summer class at Washington Adventist Univeristy, MD, USA 2012. Taught “Introduction to writing 1”
- Award a Ph.D. Scholarship from Universitas Advent Indonesia 2000- 2004.
- Award of a partial scholarschip from the University of the Philippines, pada Masteral program. Tahun 1987,1989.