Caroline V. Tobing, PhD

Thursday, February 08 th, 2018, 5:55 pm · no Comments · @

Caroline Victorine Katemba, Ph.D.

Email :;

                1. BUSINESS – Universitas Klabat Manado – Indonesia (1983 – 1984)
                2. B.S. BIOLOGY – Adventist University of the Philippines (1984 – 1987)
                3. GRADUATE STUDIES, ENGLISH – Adventist University of the Philippines (1988 – 1987)
                4. Graduated with the degree: Master of
                  Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language – University of the Philippines (1988 – 1989)
                5. Graduated with the degree: Doctor of Philosophy, Language Education – University of the Philippines Diliman Campus (2000 – 2004)
                6. SMA Advent Klabat Manado – Indonesia (1980 – 1983)
                7. SMP Advent Tikala Manado – Indonesia (1978 – 1980)

  1. English for nurses. Caroline V. Katemba, Jonathan H.L. Tobing ; editor,  Joshua H.L. Tobing. Universitas Advent Indonesia ISBN 978-602-61733-4-8
  2. A handbook for in-service teacher : teaching practice program. Caroline V Katemba ; editor, Joshua H.L.  Tobing, Universitas Advent Indonesia. ISBN 978-602-61733-3-1
  3. Speak Out in 5 Minutes, ISBN : 978-602-18474-5-9
  4. Pedoman Penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Skripsi dan Tesis.
  5. “Wanita Ciptaan Ajaib: Beberapa Gangguan Sistem Tubuh dan
    Perawatannya”. Indonesian Publishing House, Bandung-Indonesia. ISBN
    979-504-061-8 (Translator)
  6. “Speak Out”. Text Book for Communicative Practice Materials for PostElementary Students of English. 2009. Caroline V Katemba Tobing,PhD. HUP ISBN 979-778-103-8, Cetakan ke dua 2010.
  7. Business English fro EFL Students, Caroline V Katemba Tobing, PhD.ISBN 978-602-18474-1-1. Universitas Advent Indonesia 2012.

  1. Top 50 journal Reviewer from Taylor & Francis, year 2020. Jurnal terindex scopus (Q1) & WoS.
  2. National Research Reviewer, Ministry of Research, Technology & Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia Schema PDUPT tahun 2020. Kementrian Riset dan Teknologi/Badan Inovasi Riset Nasional (Kemenristek/BRIN). . Nomor: B/1136/E3/RA.00/2020 Tanggal: 12 Nopember 2020
  3. Top 20 journal Reviewer from Taylor & Francis, year 2018 & 2019. Jurnal terindex scopus (Q1) & WoS.
  4. Reviewer for the program Researcher Indonesian Lecturer National Research Reviewer, Ministry of Research, Technology & Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia “ Seminar Hasil Penelitian Dosen Pemula” LLDIKTI IV,  tahun 2019. Nomor: : /L4/KP.10.01/2019
  5. National Research Reviewer, Ministry of Research, Technology & Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia ‘Keluaran Penelitian pada Kegiatan Monev Online Penelitian Dosen Pemula di Lingkungan Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah IV Tahun 2019’. No: : 122/L4/KP.10.01/2019
  6. Juri/ Reviewer pada Pameran Inoovasi Perguruan Tinggi di LLDIKTI IV, Jatinangor, 2019
  7. Reviewer in selecting the research proposal of the Indonesian Junior Tertiary Lecturer (penilaian pada seleksi proposal hasil penelitian dosen pemula) LLDIKTI IV, tahun 2019, Sk No: 566/LL4/PB/2019
  8. Awards from RIESTEKDIKTI in writing an article in the reputable international journal, 2019.
  9. Scholarship grant from GLoCALL Conference, SuZhou 2018
  10. Scholarship from BSLN RISTEKDIKTI presenterin the International academic conferences to Singapore, Shanghai, Vladivostok- Russia,Thailand, 2012,2014,2016,2018.
  11. Front Line worker from South East Asia Division, representing 5000 employees in the Southeast Asia for 5 years going to the USA (Maryland) 2005-2010
  12. Executive Board member of Loma Linda University & Andrews Univeristy, in USA, 2005-2010.
  13. Visiting Professor for the summer class at Washington Adventist Univeristy, MD, USA 2012. Taught “Introduction to writing 1”
  14. Award a Ph.D. Scholarship from Universitas Advent Indonesia 2000- 2004.
  15. Award of a partial scholarschip from the University of the Philippines, pada Masteral program. Tahun 1987,1989.